I'm a local Collierville resident and a certified backflow tester, trying to keep our water clean. Call Alan for an appointment today.
Why do I have to have my Backflow tested?
Backflow Testing is required annually by the State of Tennessee. All Tennessee cross connection and backflow laws are stated here (click).
Annual Backflow Testing To ensure quality water in Collierville and Memphis; most water providers require their customers to have an approved backflow protection, and a test performed annually, on both their irrigation system and household water systems. All fire sprinkler systems, as well as, restaurants with carbonation piping need to have the test as well. Irrigation Winterization Winterizations are performed between October 1st and November 30th (usually before November 15th) unless specified otherwise. After you have turned off the water to your sprinkler system, we come in with our large compressor to remove any water that remains in your lines and heads so that your underground system is protected from freeze damage |
Irrigation We can also coordinate the start up your irrigation system and coordinate the end of season irrigation winterization. Winterizations are performed between October 1st and November 30th (usually before November 15th) unless specified otherwise. Irrigation Start Ups When temperatures are warm enough in the spring, we will begin the process of starting up and checking through your system. We rely on you to contact us, via phone or email, when you are ready to have your system started. We will start your system, run through each zone to check for broken heads, address coverage issues, make repairs as needed and check your backflow device. Unless otherwise instructed, we will leave your programmer in the "off" position. |
•Backflow test only falls under the 1.5 inch and smaller price of $65.00
•Standard backflow test and start-up for irrigation systems is $99.00
•Standard double check backflow assembly 2.0 inch or smaller is $65.00.
•Fire Sprinkler System/ domestic backflow test (up to 4.0 inch) is $65.00
•6.0 to 10 inch Fire Sprinkler System/Domestic Backflow is $75.00
•8.0 inch Fire Sprinkler System/Domestic Backflow is $65.00
•$65.00 for a reduced pressure backflow assembly for 1.5 inch or smaller
•$75.00 for a reduced pressure backflow assembly over 1.5 inch
•Backflow test only falls under the 1.5 inch and smaller price of $65.00
•Standard backflow test and start-up for irrigation systems is $99.00
•Standard double check backflow assembly 2.0 inch or smaller is $65.00.
•Fire Sprinkler System/ domestic backflow test (up to 4.0 inch) is $65.00
•6.0 to 10 inch Fire Sprinkler System/Domestic Backflow is $75.00
•8.0 inch Fire Sprinkler System/Domestic Backflow is $65.00
•$65.00 for a reduced pressure backflow assembly for 1.5 inch or smaller
•$75.00 for a reduced pressure backflow assembly over 1.5 inch